Knowledge | Conservation | Protection

Our credo is to promote all aspects of knowledge of cycads, and to foster a lively interest in these plants. These objects are worthy of pursuit.

Cycad Society
of South Africa

The cycads have been with us for perhaps 100 million years, but in recent times their numbers and perhaps diversity in nature have dwindled due to competition with flowering plants. Perhaps the single most serious threat to their continuing existence is man, collecting wild plants for ornamental applications. On the scientific front we have lately learnt that these plants have very specialised pollinators, and that re-establishment in nature is unlikely to be successful without profound knowledge of the biology of these plants. Against this background, we firstly promote interest in, and appreciation of, these plants by propagating and growing them as horticultural subjects, and secondly we actively encourage scientific research and the documentation thereof so that we can keep the captive and remaining wild plants alive in years to come.

We invite you to participate in this process.

Cycad Society
of South Africa

To encourage the cultivation and propagation of cycads

To disseminate information on cycads by various means, inter alia through the regular publication of a

To arrange the legal exchange of plants, seedlings, seed, and pollen of different cycad species between

To encourage scientific research on cycads

To promote all aspects of cycad conservation

To foster and maintain links with organisations having similar aims on an international basis

Constitution of the CCSA