Forums and Links

Our credo is to promote all aspects of knowledge of cycads, and to foster a lively interest in these plants. These objects are worthy of pursuit.

Forums and Links
Cycad Society
of South Africa

There are a number of discussion forums focusing on Cycads and their cultivation.


The Cycad Society
The Cycad Society is an International Organization, established in 1977. It is dedicated to the Conservation of Cycads through Education and Scientific Research.

Illustrated Glossary of Cycad Terms
The ‘expanded glossary’ includes more than 1,200 terms, and it will be modified as needed. This illustrated glossary provides cycad-specific examples for more than 500 of these terms.

The World List of Cycads
This site hosts the official online edition of The World List of Cycads, a comprehensive compilation of cycad names including accepted names, synonyms, illegitimate names, nomina dubia, and invalidly published names.

The Cycad Pages
On this site you will find the “The World List of Cycads” with all described species, most of them illustrated plus lots of useful information on Cycads. The site is maintained by Ken Hill.

The homepage of the Palm and Cycad Society of Australia. It has many interesting articles on cycads and species pages with photos.

Montgomery Botanical Center
This is a tropical botanical institution in Coral Gables, Florida, specializing in palm & cycad research and educational collections.

Cornia Hugo
NEW CYCAD APP now available in Google Store and soon on Apple Store
– Very user friendly app
– Both the leaf and cone identification is combined in the app
– Subjects covered are monetary value, growing conditions, legal aspects regarding cycads and status of cycads
– Photos can enlarge and all glossary terminology is clickable