for the Eleven Critically Endangered and Four Endangered Encephalartos (Cycad) Species.
Kindly take note that the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) has published the BMP for 11 critically endangered and 4 endangered Encephalartos species under Section 43(1)(b)(i) read with Sections 43(3) and 100 of the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, 2004.
Members of the public are invited to submit to the Minister of Environmental Affairs (Ms Edna Molewa), within 30 days of the publication of the notice (5 June 2015), written representations on, or objections to the draft BMP directly to Ms Humbulani Mafumo via either of the following methods:
The Director-General
Department of Environmental Affairs
Attention: Ms Humbulani Mafumo
By hand: 473 Steve Biko RoadArcadiaPretoria
By post: Private Bag X447Pretoria0001
By fax: 086 541 1102
By email:
You are kindly requested not to submit any comments to Strategic Environmental Focus (SEF), but directly to the DEA.
Please ensure that your comments reach the DEA before the closing date, Monday, 6 July 2015 (counting of 30 days, when excluding the public holiday on 16 June).
Please note that for ease of reference, a copy of the draft BMP is attached to this email, however, you may also download it from the following link:
SEF would like to thank all stakeholders for participating in the process of developing the Draft BMP and trust that you will provide your continued input as part of the official DEA engagement process.
Please contact Ms Mafumo with any further queries.
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